
DAAD Information Point in East Jerusalem

View from the Austrian Hospice.
© Christina Stahlbock



The DAAD in the Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian Territories have been an important partner for the DAAD in the region for decades with students being awarded scholarships as early as the 1950s. The first DAAD funded professorship was established 1993 and today three visiting professors as well as one language assistant from Germany are sponsored by the DAAD to work in the Palestinian Territories.

Focusing on the promotion of academics and scientists, the DAAD has played an important role in supporting further development of Higher Education structures in the Palestinian Territories. More than 800 scholars from the Palestinian Territories have already received grants in order to study and research in Germany – a great number of them are shaping future generations today holding lead positions in Higher Education, Politics and the Economy.

By fostering cooperation between German and Palestinian Higher Education institutions, the DAAD further supports the establishment of international structures at universities.

DAAD Information Point in East Jerusalem

The DAAD Information Point was founded in 1996 and is one of the oldest in the DAAD network worldwide.

The most important activities in the Palestinian Territories are:

  • Providing information on study & research in Germany
  • Advice on how to find a suitable graduate course and university in Germany
  • Providing information on funding possibilities (from DAAD and other German organizations)
  • Administration and marketing of DAAD scholarship programmes
  • Regular information sessions at Palestinian universities, schools and at the Goethe-Institut
  • Keeping contact with alumni, universities and educational institutions in the Palestinian Territories
  • Providing information for German institutions on the Palestinian higher education system

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked