
Study & Research in the Palestinian Territories

© Christina Stahlbock
Are you interested in studying, researching or teaching in the Palestinian Territories? Have you thought about completing an internship or learning a foreign language abroad? Here you can find all the information.

Information on the Palestinian Territories

Here you will find information on scholarship programmes for study, teaching and research stays, university projects and scientific collaborations in the Palestinian Territories and more country-specific information.

More at (in German)

Learning German in the Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian Birzeit University offers a Bachelor's degree programme "German as a Foreign Language" established by DAAD in cooperation with Birzeit University. This BA programme is the first and only German programme at university level in the Palestinian Territories.


Information for Germans

From planning to financing, here you will find all the necessary information on study-related stays abroad and scholarships for students, graduates and lecturers.

More at
Campus Life at Birzeit University

Studieren Weltweit

International study, research or work experience is increasingly in demand in the work place. The campaign "studieren weltweit – ERLEBE ES!" is designed to help young people understand of the benefits of a stay abroad.

More at (in German)
Logo of the website Studying worldwide in German

DAAD Ortslektor Programme

At many higher education institutions in non-German-speaking countries, German teachers are also employed who are not supported by the DAAD or other institutions. They generally teach German Language, Literature, and German Studies. The DAAD offers these lecturers possibilities for professional support as part of its Ortslektor programme.

More at (in German)
Detail of the stele with inscription Ortsnetz.
Icon of a white data sheet on a blue background

Analysis of the system of higher education in the Palestinian Territories and overview of DAAD activities

Below you will find comprehensive statistics, information, and analyses on the higher education and academic systems as well as an overview of DAAD activities on site. The following information is currently available in German only.

International Study Programmes in Germany

Whether a Bachelor's or Master's degree or PhD - the DAAD database offers a great variety of international degree courses to choose from.

International students stand in front of a computer screen and look at something on it.

DAAD IC in East Jerusalem

DAAD Information Centre in East Jerusalem
Mount of Olives

Mobile: +972 (0) 537716252
Facebook: DAAD.EastJerusalem

Opening hours

Personal Consultations: By appointment only!

Telephone Consultations: Monday-Thursday: 10:00AM-15:00PM

We are also happy to answer your questions per Email, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

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